17 Sep 2021
Salesforce Apex REST
Here are some guideline that I follow when I create a Apex REST Api.
Here are some bullet points that we should cover on this REST API
global with sharing class PeopleController {
global static void getOnePerson() {
RestRequest requestContext = RestContext.request;
RestResponse responseContext = RestContext.response;
// Here we make sure that our response will always be as JSON format.
responseContext.addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
try {
Map<String, String> reqParamsMap = requestContext.params;
Integer totalParameterExpected = 1;
if (reqParamsMap.size() != totalParameterExpected) {
throw new CustomException('We didn\'t receive 1 parameters!');
if (
) {
throw new CustomException(
'We didn\'t receive all the expected parameters!' + JSON.serialize(reqParamsMap)
string pPersonId = reqParamsMap.get('personId');
PersonService personService = new PersonService();
Person objPerson = personService.getOnePersonByPersonId(pPersonId);
List<PeopleDTO> listOfPeopleDTO = new List<PeopleDTO>();
objResponse.statuscode = 200;
objResponse.responseBody = Blob.valueOf(JSON.serialize(listOfPeopleDTO));
} catch (CustomException ex) {
new HTTPResponseCodeException(400, 'FS-FPC-FE', ex.getMessage())
} catch (Exception ex) {
new HTTPResponseCodeException(
'Error unexpected! [' +
ex.getMessage() +
'] StackTrace[' +
ex.getStackTraceString() +
Here are some comments from this class: